It appeared that it would be another chilly and rainy day.
I had reservations to tour the Hobbiton Movie Set at 12:30, so it was a bit of a struggle to find things to do in the rain.
I did find a small aviation museum near the airport. Like all aviation museums they had a Merlin engine… they had a fair bit of turbine engines as well.
The last stop before going to Matamata to see the Hobbiton Movie Set was a small rose garden, but they had some interesting flowers inside a greenhouse.
The Hobbiton Movie Set was significantly larger than I expected. It was very nice, and mostly dry.
I briefly walked over to Mt. Manganui and took some photos of the ship .
Since it was my last dinner on the ship I went a bit overboard (no pun intended). I had the tiger garlic shrimp and the rack of lamb. The lamb was excellent, very tender and with sufficient marbling.