This morning the scenery was wonderful. I captured a timelapse video from my balcony with my GoPro. I’ll probably have to wait until I leave China to upload the video to YouTube.
Below picture is on the Yangtze River before arriving at Godess Stream.
At 09:00 we took a small boat to a scenic area called “Goddess Stream”. It was a narrow gorge and the top of one of the mountains looked like a pregnant woman. Before the dam was built the water level was about 70 meters lower. They were not able to use large boats with motors. They used to use men called trackers to pull the boats. It was a nice scenic trip.
Picture below is one of the 30 passenger boats that we took up the gorge.
Below is one of my pictures from inside the gorge with the Godess Stream.
At 11:00 we left and passed through the Wu gorge and at 14:00 we passed through the shorter Qutang gorge. The Qutang gorge was the most interesting. I’m hoping some of my photos came out because there was some smog.
It was a nice relaxing day with a lot of nice scenery.
In the evening they had a cultural dancing show which was nice.