11th day – well actually the cruise is over and it is the day to disembark. After breakfast we walked off the ship, found our luggage and walked a block away from the taxi stand to order an Uber. Taxi drivers don’t like Uber, so when we walked through the taxi drivers I told them we were going to the Bus station that was only a couple of blocks away. We took the Uber to the Hilton in Puerto Madero where I was going to stay for a night. I was able to check in and we left our bags in my room.
We walked to the nearby museum “Buque Museo Fragata Sarmiento”, which was a training ship for the Argentinian Navy. From there we had authentic Argentinian steak at a very good restaurant that we walked to. The name of the restaurant was “Santos Manjares”. The steak was excellent. From there we walked to Plaza San Martin. After taking a picture of the monument “Al Libertador Don Jose San Martin” we took an Uber to Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo. The museum was very nice and had a model of a fireplace that Rodin was supposed to make for the house, but was unable to because of a war.
I then walked to the Recoleta Cemetery where I took another guided tour. One of the stops in the cemetery was of Eva Peron’s grave, but the mausoleum she is in isn’t very interesting. For some reason it became fashionable for the Argentinians to leave their caskets in view rather than hide them. They also told us a story about a woman who was placed in her coffin while she was in a coma and not yet dead. She apparently woke up, attempted to escape and died of suffocation.
After the cemetery tour I walked around the Recoleta area a little and then went back to Puerto Madero.
Above picture is Buque Museo Fragata Sarmiento in Puerto Madero.
My very delicious ribeye steak lunch at Santos Manjares.
Above picture of Monumento Al Libertador Don Jose San Martin in Plaza San Martin.
Above picture is of the Kavanagh Building near Plaza San Martin.
Above picture is of Torre Monumental near Plaza San Martin.
Above picture is inside Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo.
Above picture is inside Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo.
Above picture is inside Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo.
Above picture is inside Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo.
Above picture is a statue of Eva Peron in Plaza Evita. I walked by on my way to Recoleta Cemetery.
Above picture is where Eva Peron is laid to rest. Her maiden name was “Duarte”.
Above picture is of a support that holds up a branch of a tree near the gate of the Recoleta Cemetery.
Above picture of the Obelisk.
Above picture is of Puente de Mujer at night.